Good attendance is essential for your child to succeed in school.

We understand there are times when your child is ill and will not be able to attend school. We ask you to use the First Day Calling Procedure below to notify us about absence.

Children often have seasonal colds and can feel a little unwell, if your child is well enough please send them to school. If we feel your child is unwell during the school day, we will contact you to collect and take them home.

First Day Calling Procedure

If your child is absent for any reason, you must contact the school office on the first day of absence, preferably before 9:00am. If no contact is made by 9.30am then you will be contacted by the school office to provide a reason for the absence. After this, all emergency contacts will be called until a reply is received. A home visit will be made if possible/appropriate by school or other agencies involved. If we are unable to make contact and all stages have been completed ,we will need to contact the police regarding the absence using the 101 telephone number to report the child as missing.

Late Arrival Procedure

Our cloakroom doors open at 8.45am and close at 8.55am. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time to begin their day.

If your child is late for any reason, please ensure they are brought to the School office and follow our sign-in procedures.

Attendance Policy

Updated: 17/01/2025 606 KB

Further information regarding Attendance:-
Cumberland County Council Attendance information can be found by following this link..   School attendance | Cumberland Council

Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) (

DFE guidance for parents on school attendance :- Resources for families | Children's Commissioner for England (