We are proud to be a Church of England Primary School which is inclusive, supportive and welcoming to all.

Our school's Christian vision of 'Love others as well as you love yourself' (Matthew 22:39 / The Message) is at the heart of our school. As demonstrated in the story of The Good Samaritan, our vision is brought alive in all that we do.

We thrive on hope, mutual respect, and the love of our friends in the school community and beyond. Our community is at the heart of our school; we value all individuals and celebrate our diversity within a safe and welcoming family. Together ‘We are Montreal’, working together to make a positive impact on our world. We value all individuals and celebrate our diversity within a safe and welcoming family.

Together We are Montreal. Caring, Loving and Learning Together, Every Day in Every Way.'


Our Creed

This is our school let love live here,

Love of ourselves and love of each other.

Let us all show respect and live in hope and happiness.


Our Core Values:

LOVE          HOPE          RESPECT



SIAMS Inspection

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Our RE Curriculum 

At Montreal Church of England Primary School, the teachings of the Christian faith are the foundations of everything that we do and are embedded throughout all aspects of school life. We strive to nurture the whole child, their mind, body and spirit, and support relationships with themselves, others, the world around them and God.

Religious Education gives children a sense of belonging, community, identity and purpose. Teaching diversity of people and cultures around the world helps children to understand the world around them and supports them to flourish in a quickly changing world. It also prepares children for citizenship in today’s diverse society, building sensitivity and respect. At Montreal Church of England Primary School, we understand the importance of building citizens of tomorrow, knowing our teachings and our values of Love, Hope and Respect are crucial in supporting our children to grow in to free thinking, passionate, aware young adults.


Through RE, we aim to develop critical thinkers through real, relevant, meaningful experiences. We understand the importance of learning from and about religion, supporting children in acquiring and developing knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. We know that quality RE teaching has the potential to have a powerful impact on children’s heart and mind, developing sensitivity and respect for others.

At Montreal Church of England Primary School, we believe in equipping children to encounter a range of experiences through an enquiry-based curriculum, developing the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about world wide issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Questful RE

Through the use of the Questful scheme of learning, we are sending our children on a quest to discover aspects of people’s lives. As a Voluntary Controlled school, we teach a 60/40 balance of Christianity and other World Faiths. Questful scheme of learning teaches that our children are the hearts and minds that shape society today and that in the future they will grow in to open, accepting, curious, empathetic, self-aware young adults.

Questful RE is a balanced curriculum that uses 3 approaches:

· Theology (believing, text)

· Human and Social Sciences (living, impact)

· Philosophy (thinking, connection)

Questful also offers children the opportunity to dive deeper into their religious learning.


RE Curriculum

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Church Links

We work in partnership with our parish to enable our children to flourish in all respects, helping our children to fulfil their full potential. We visit our Churches, St Leonard's and St John's in the Hall, regularly throughout the year to celebrate key events within the church calendar with our community. We work closely with our parish within school and the local community to develop the character and talents of our children, equipping them to encounter a range of experiences and helping them to make sense of the world around them. We engage meaningfully in collective worship every day, many of which are delivered within our own dedicated chapel. 


Montreal's Posada

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we were really excited to take part in a Posada once more. The Posada is a Latin American tradition. In the days leading up to Christmas, families in the local community would be asked to host a statue of Mary and Joseph as they journeyed around the community, reflecting the journey undertaken by Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. On Christmas Eve Night, the statues of Mary and Joseph would be received back into church in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

Each class was given their own knitted Mary and Joseph and each child in the class were given the opportunity to take Mary and Joseph home for the night. Each Posada pack came with a book telling the story of the first Christmas, a diary in which the children wrote down what Mary and Joseph got up to on their stay over and a game for them to enjoy with their families. 

The local community were then invited to St John’s in the Hall on Christmas Eve Night where the Posada journey was shown and Mary and Joseph were welcomed into church. This was a special Christingle and Crib service, a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas. 



We celebrated Pentecost in school with our church community. We gathered together to celebrate how God's Spirit helps us to become all that God has created us to be - people of love and kindness and peace, who share that love and kindness in the world.

We sang the songs 'come on and celebrate', 'the spirit lives to set us free' and 'we can make a difference'. Our Year 6 class also did a dramatic reading of the Pentecost story.

In the service we thought about how God's Spirit helps us, and the world, to be as God made it to be - a place of peace and harmony and for humans to be spreaders of kindness and love. Each year group composed a one line prayer about what they would want God to help us to do so that the world would be a kinder, more caring, safer place that would be great and that we humans would be better at caring and sharing.

We also made crowns of fire and fire sticks to help us to get in to the spirit of Pentecost!