Pupil Premium at Montreal C of E Primary School

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

Who is eligible for Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is payable for each child who is currently entitled to free school meals or who has been entitled to free school meals at any time (however long or short that time may have been) during the last six years – known as “Ever 6”, for children who are looked after by the local authority and for children of service personnel.

How is Pupil Premium spent?

Schools are considered to be best placed to decide how to spend Pupil Premium.  However they are required to give a comprehensive report each year on how the money is allocated.  The money is spent in a variety of ways:

  • Extra classroom support
  • Pastoral and family support
  • Purchase of resources
  • Funding with expenses for trips and activities
  • Help with the cost of uniform
  • Help with paying for dinner money for those children who are no longer entitled to free school meals.
  • Help with breakfast or after school club costs
  • Intervention programmes for children who need additional support
  • Programmes and activities to “stretch” high achievers

How will my child be identified in school as a “Pupil Premium Child”?

Only school staff will know which children attract Pupil Premium funding.  All children are treated equally and information is held in the strictest confidence.

Often Pupil Premium benefits all children in school, we use Pupil Premium to ensure ALL children receive the best education and experiences.  You can read how we allocate Pupil Premium in our annual reports.

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Pupil Premium Strategy

Updated: 15/01/2025 222 KB
Updated: 18/04/2024 219 KB

Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.