
“Going to school regularly is important to your child’s future. For example, children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in exams. Good attendance shows potential employers that your child is reliable. Research suggests that children who attend school regularly could also be at less risk of getting involved in antisocial behaviour or crime.”                                     website

At Montreal we aim to consistently work towards our goal of 96% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey the importance of regular, punctual attendance to pupils, parents and carers.

The Government sets a level of absence for each child of school age and if this falls below 90% they are classed as a ‘persistent absentee’. The Local Authority can take action if a child’s absence falls below this.

 Our school is committed to providing the best possible quality of education to all learners. To help achieve this commitment, regular punctual school attendance is vital. We cannot do this without the support of our parents. We ask that they:

  • are responsible for making sure their children attend school regularly.
  • ensure that their children arrive on time for school every day.
  • contact the school if their child is unable to attend.
  • ensure that the school has up-to-date contact details.
  • make appointments outside of school holidays, where possible
  • do not take children out of school during term time to go on holiday

What we will do:

We will monitor you child’s attendance closely, during each half term, we will communicate with you your child’s current attendance percentage to date and as a result of this, the colour zone your child’s attendance is in - Green, Amber or Red. The Government expects attendance of 96% or above. If your child’s attendance is in the amber zone (at risk zone), their attendance is below the standard set by the Government. As a school, we will look at ways to support you to improve your child’s attendance including a period of attendance monitoring. If your child’s attendance is in the red zone, your child’s attendance must be referred through the Local Authority’s Attendance Officer.



Upper Green


96 - 99.9%

Lower Green


94 - 95.9%

Upper Amber


90 - 93.9%

Lower Amber


Below 90%







School Newsletter

The school newsletter is used to highlight the importance of good attendance and punctuality. It includes sections reminding parents of our school attendance target and what that means in terms of number of days absent. It also includes information about any initiatives which the school is using to promote attendance and punctuality. 

End of Year Attendance Rewards

All children who have 100% attendance at the end of the year will receive a certificate in our celebration assembly. 

End of Term Letter to Parents

Children who are absent from school for more than 10% of the time are classed as 'persistent absentees'. At the end of every term Mrs Wilson will write a letter to parents if their child has less than 90% attendance in school. It is important for school to communicate to parents about persistent absences as this can have a negative effect on a child's education. We endeavour to improve attendance across the whole school and to work with parents on achieving this.

First Day Calling

If your child is absent for any reason, you must contact the school office on the first day of absence, preferably before 9:00am. If no contact is made by 9.30am then you will be contacted by the school office to provide a reason for the absence. After this, all emergency contacts will be called until a reply is received. A home visit will be made if possible/appropriate by school or other agencies involved. If we are unable to make contact and all stages have been completed ,we will need to contact the police regarding the absence using the 101 telephone number to report the child as missing. 

Further information:-
Cumberland County Council Attendance information can be found by following this link..   School attendance | Cumberland Council

Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) (

DFE guidance for parents on school attendance :- Resources for families | Children's Commissioner for England (


Attendance Policy

Updated: 20/09/2024 477 KB