Welcome to Year 1/2
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Dr Seuss
Key Information
PE is on Mondays. Please have the appropriate clothing including school P.E. kit and trainers.
Forest School is on Tuesdays. Please have spare clothes (including socks) waterproofs and appropriate footwear. School can provide these if needed.
Please Read at 5 times a week.
Homework is handed out every Friday. Please return homework on Thursdays.
Spellings are handed out every Friday. Spelling tests are on the following Friday.
Miss Wilford
Mrs Nicholson
Miss Gatenby
Ms Daykin
Our Class Rules
No shouting out.
Always be kind.
No pushing or hitting.
Always show you are listening.
Always try your best and never give up.
Always use your manners.
Do not lie.
Learning in the Autumn term:
English - In Autumn term, we will be looking at the books Grandad’s Island, The Goose that laid the Golden Egg, Mrs Noah’s Pockets, Paddington and The Christmas Pine. Whilst looking at these books we will be practising our skills of inference, retrieval, predicting, summarising and sequencing. We will also be writing our very own character descriptions, looking at poetry, retelling a narrative, writing our own formal invitations and looking at stories from other cultures! In our writing lessons we will also be looking at spelling, grammar and punctuation to make our writing as exciting as we can!
Maths - Year 1 is looking at numbers to 10 including part-whole models within 10, addition and subtraction within 10, shapes and finally numbers to 20.
The year 2s will be learning their numbers to 100, addition and subtraction, money and multiplication and division.
Both year 1 and 2s will be learning using concrete resources pictorial representations. They will be using base 10, counters, part whole models, number lines and real-life examples to make maths relevant and fun.
Science - In science, we are exploring living things and their habitats. We will be exploring the school grands for different animals and looking at their habitats, making sure we use our scientific skills of observing. We will learn how to tell if something is alive, has been alive or never alive by using the acronym MRS GREN (Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Respiration, Excretion, Nutrition). We then will look at the topic Animals Including Humans and learn about all the different animal groups and how we classify them.
History and Geography - We will be learning about human and physical features and how to sort them, we will be looking at the human and physical features in our local area. We will also look at comparing a small part of the UK to a non-European country, we will be looking at London and Kenya (Nairobi). In History, we are learning about the Great Fire of London, we will be looking at the timeline of events and how London has changed for the better after the disaster.
DT and Art – In art, we are studying drawing and taking inspiration from the artist Beth Krommes and her piece ‘Waves’. We will be inspired by music and using drawing to show movement before creating our own version of ‘waves’. We will also complete a block in painting where we will be studying the artist Kandinsky. In DT we are creating our own patchwork piece. Practising our skills of sewing and cutting accurately, We are also participating in BrightStars where we are creating our own mini social enterprise and making our very own Reindeer food and Hot chocolate cones to raise as much money as we can for charity.
Learning in the Spring term:
English – We will be reading some lovely books in the Spring term including, Coming to England, The Street Beneath my Feet, Rhythm of the Rain, Little People Big Dreams and the poem Quangle Wangles Hat. We will be exploring these different texts and looking at the different styles writing, author intent and again focusing on key reading skills. In writing lessons we will be revisiting some styles of writing learnt in Autumn term as well as writing our own poem, non-chronological report and recount.
Maths - Year 1s will develop their number work further by learning how to add and subtract within 20 using real life examples and lots of concrete objects, number to 50 as well as introducing length, height weight and volume.
Year 2 maths will focus on continuing developing our multiplication and division knowledge using resources to support our learning, statistics, measurement including length and height , shapes and fractions!
Science – In Spring we will learn about everyday materials, we will look at different types of materials and their properties. We will also conduct scientific experiments to see what properties materials may have. We will then be able to justify why certain materials are best for certain jobs. This term we will also revisit our first science topic. We also will have the opportunity to have a look and feed some lambs!
History/Geography – We will be learning mainly how to use map skills in geography during this term, focusing on key geographical skills as well as completing some field work. In History we will be looking at significant historical events, people, places in our locality. This will include looking into detail at Newmarket, Haverhill and St Bury Edmunds. We will use our enquiry skills to look into these places and people who were involved.
DT and Art
In art we will be looking at the artist William Morris and taking inspiration from his work to do some printmaking. We will then be studying Katie Vernon and her piece called Odd Pin Flower 3 and create our own textiles piece. In DT we will be looking at mechanisms and understanding materials. We will be building our own car with a working wheel mechanism!
Learning in the Summer term:
English – In the final term we will read the inspiring book of Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World. We will also read the fable The Sun and The Wind as well as Fantastic Mr Fox. Ending the term on a more challenging book so the children can start to develop their reading further. We will also be re visiting all the styles of writing we have done in previous terms and doing another piece of writing to try and improve on our last time and show off all the skills we have learnt throughout the year!
Maths – Year 1s will be learning how to multiply and divide this term. They will also learn their numbers to 100. Fractions will also be introduced in the form of halves and quarters. We will also learn about position and direction, ensuring we know our left and right.
Year 2s will we furthering their knowledge on position and direction, problem solving and time this year, We will be using real clocks to learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We will be combining all our mathematical knowledge to ensure we can problem solve efficiently and use our resilience to tackle tricky mathematical questions. We will finish the year off by looking at weight, temperature and volume.
Science – This term in science is all about building on what we have learnt throughout the year. First, we will introduce the topic of Plants and then we will recap and review all previous knowledge, making sure we build on it and think scientifically about everything we do. We will also be enjoying Forest School and learning lots about nature and wildlife.
History/Geography – We will continue or map skills and field work this term as well as comparing the UK to the Amazon rainforest. We will be looking at both areas in detail and exploring the similarities and differences. In History we continue looking at significant historical events, people, places in our locality, developing our knowledge and historical skills further.
DT and Art- For the Summer term we will be first looking at 3D art and studying the sculpture ‘Big Fish’ by John Kindness before creating our own sculpture inspired by this. We will also be creating our own response to all we have learnt this year. In Dt we will be looking at structures and food and nutrition, making some yummy things to try.