Year 3 and 4 Class Page

“You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” — Dr. Seuss


Class Teacher - Shona Ackroyd

Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Emma Hoyle

Teaching Assistant - Sharon Kenyon

Teaching Assistant - Kayleigh Nevinson

Teaching Assistant - Alison Brace

Teaching Assistant - Sandra McGill


  • All clothes, including coats, should be labelled with your child's name. 
  • Please let us know if someone different will be collecting your child from school. 
  • Homework will be given out each week and is due in on Thursdays. We encourage your child to write in their own homework books, with your guidance and support. 
  • Read at home at least 3 times a week. 
  • Forest School takes place every Tuesday afternoon - Please could you send your child with old, weather-appropriate clothing in their bags, including spare socks.
  • P.E takes place every Wednesday afternoon, your child will need their school PE kit and some trainers/pumps for when we complete our PE sessions outside.
  • Please remove all earrings for our PE and Forest School sessions.

Curriculum Overview

Autumn term

We will be learning about a range of topics and subjects this half term:

The children will be reading a diverse range of books. These include; Greta and the Giants, A Pebble in My Pocket, The Queen’s Nose and Young, Gifted and Black. We are also going to be writing our very own poetry, adverts, diary entries, and narratives!

In maths, we will learn all about place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and measurement.

We will begin our science topic ‘Living things and their habitats’ and then move on to ‘States of Matter’. We will also have the chance to go to the REACT Science Show.

We will learn all about Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots in our History sessions. In Geography, the children will learn all about the features of a river and latitude and longitude; the invisible lines of the Earth!

In Art, we will create still-life drawings. We will explore the work of Georgia O’Keeffe and take inspiration from her artwork to create our flowers in this style. In Design Technology, we will be looking at food and nutrition and we will get the chance to create some delicious, healthy meals. We will also explore mechanisms and design doors with working hinges.

In PE, we will have lots of fun in our multi-skills session. We will then be learning gymnastics skills including rolls, balances, vaults, and jumps.

In RE we will be considering the values that we believe are important, exploring prayer, and learning all about how Christians believe Jesus is the light of the world. We will enjoy the harvest service and collect donations for the Harvest appeal. The children in the choir will bring joy to the community when they perform Christmas carols at a range of venues. We will enjoy a range of Christmas activities in the run-up to the holidays including Christmas Sparkle Day and a visit from Santa Claus!


Spring Term

We will be learning about a range of topics and subjects this half term:

The children will explore a range of quality texts including The Girl Who Stole an Elephant, Leon and the Place Between, The Boy at the Back of the Class and Sam Wu is NOT afraid of the DARK. We will celebrate World Book Day as we dress up as our favourite characters, enjoy paired reading with Miss Wilford’s Class and participate in lots of exciting activities!

We are also going to be writing our very own non-chronological reports, advanced instructional writing, narratives including those from other cultures, adverts, and explanatory texts.

In maths, we will continue to learn about multiplication and division before moving on to area, fractions, and decimals.

We will dive into our science topic ‘Animals including humans’ where will we learn all about our teeth and top tips for dental hygiene. We will also learn key facts about the digestive system before moving on to food chains!

In our history sessions, we will learn about the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor. In Geography, we will continue to develop our knowledge of latitude and longitude and learn about the water cycle.

In Art, we will create the illusion of movement when we create 3D sculptures. We will also have a go at print-making and tie-dye techniques to create artwork inspired by Traditional Kente cloths. In Design Technology, we will be putting our sewing skills to the test when we create our decorations! We will also learn about structures and use a range of materials to build our own. We will put these structures to the test!

In PE, we will have fun learning how to play hockey. We will hop into our time machine and ‘Dance through the Decades’ as we rehearse for our U-DANCE 2024 performance! We will also enjoy cricket coaching.

In RE we will learn about our world faith topic Islam and we will also explore the Easter story, focusing on Judas’ Betrayal. We will enjoy the Easter Service at church and enjoy lots of Easter crafts and activities including an egg hunt!


Summer Term

We will be learning about a range of topics and subjects this half term:

The children will explore a range of exciting texts including Varjak Paw, The Raven, Operation Gadgetman, and The Dancing Bear.

We are also going to be writing our very own letters to complain, narratives including those from other cultures, poetry, diary entries, and news reports.

In maths, we will continue to learn about fractions, then move on to money, time, geometry, and statistics.

In science, we will explore electricity and conduct a range of experiments. We will also cover sound and go on a sound walk around our school.

In our history sessions, we will learn about Ancient Egypt, learn how to write in hieroglyphics, and explore artefacts! In Geography, we will revisit the topic of rivers. We will visit the River Ehen and make observations on the features of this river.

In Art, we will use position images to create space and add greys and whites to create desired effects. We will also experiment with ombre and staining. In Design Technology, we will use our knowledge of electricity to design our own buzzer game.

In PE, we will practice a range of athletics skills including; relay running, jumping, and throwing. We will learn how to play badminton and will walk up Dent Fell with the rest of our school.

In RE we will learn why Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. Finally, we will learn about the main beliefs of Hinduism. Children will enjoy the Pentecost service.

Other activities this term include:

-KS2 Summer Performance

-Summer Fair

-Move up Morning

-Sports Day

-Bastille Day

-End of Year Treat Trip!

We have such an exciting year ahead of us! Let’s get started!

Updated: 09/05/2024 96 KB

Curriculum in Action! 

Outdoor Learning!


Festive Fun!